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The many moods of kencko smoothies with Sabrina

Meet Sabrina, a.k.a. Sabribeny, a.k.a. Beny! Sabrina is a true multi-hyphenate: a photographer-art director-illustrator-set designer-artist-content creator, and so much more. (And did we mention that she’s a kencko Ambassador?) We caught up with her from her home in Paris to hear how she uses food to fuel her passions. (And be sure to stay tuned for part two of this interview, where Sabrina shares some of her tips of daily mindfulness as a means of boosting creative energy!)

The many moods of kencko smoothies: with Sabrina

What is your favorite kencko flavor or product, and why?

I absolutely adore mochas, because it tastes unlike anything that I’ve tried so far. It has this gourmet, earthy, mood booster flavor. When I take it, I know I will get the boost I need to start the day. Maybe it’s my fav because it reminds me of myself: it’s bold, different, maybe not for everyone, yet full of energy!



If you were a kencko smoothie flavor, which flavor would you be and why?

I think I might be all of them, because I spend my life working on all the layers of my personality so it’s full of flavor and color.


I love life. I like to experiment, to try, to feel. Today I can be yellow and tomorrow pink. I think we are unlimited so that’s why I will say I am not just one smoothie flavor – I am the entire box of all the flavors!



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Why did you initially decide to try kencko, and how long have you been a kencko member?

I actually started when your team contacted me to create photos and videos. First, I really liked the branding and vibes you are sharing so that’s why I said yes to the job. Then when I tried the products I was so surprised by the taste, the quality, but even more so, by the efficiency. 


The first week I drank the smoothies I felt my energy lifting. It was surprising for me. I am very aware of how my body reacts to things. I try to have healthy habits and a good lifestyle that serves my body, soul, and mind. But nothing that I was already doing had such a positive and quick impact. 


Basically, you made me realize that I needed to increase my vegetable and fruit intake. And you helped me do it in a way that is so easy! I am very grateful for that, because it’s such a life changer, even for someone who already tries to have a healthy lifestyle.


I have been a happy member since October 2022.



What other changes have you seen in your life since introducing kencko into your routine?

I am really trying to use smoothies as tools in my daily life. If I need a kick, I will have a mochas instead of a coffee or my regular matcha. If I go to a workout session, I will end it with a protein option like ultra greens. If I have a sugar craving, I will drink a purples or reds. 


It really brings my attention to what I was giving to my body before, and it’s at another level now. Most days I use a lot of energy but I didn’t always give my body the fuel it needed – that was a problem for years. Even if I was conscious about what I was eating it was kind of difficult for me to eat in a way that suited my lifestyle. 


With kencko it has been so easy that I don’t even need to think too much about it anymore. Also, kencko is so well made that it makes it pleasurable to keep it as a routine. As a visual creator it really inspires me – because of the colors – plus the fact that I pair it with moments, sometimes it works almost as a reward!



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What are some of your core passions, and how do you embody them in your everyday life?

I love to create, it’s really who I am. I tried once – just to see – to stop creating and I was literally dying. It gives me a sense of purpose, of hope! It creates connection, joy, knowledge and growth. So basically this is what I do everyday. I can’t go from a day without creating. It can be taking photos, recording videos, drawing, painting, doing a DIY project, finding a new organization system, doing ceramics. 


So my days are filled with creativity. It can sound cool but sometimes it’s challenging because there are no boundaries between my work and my personal life. So I try to find a balance, in order to still enjoy my passions. 


I come from a place where I have worked so much that doing what I love was not a pleasure anymore. So I needed to relearn how to respect my creativity, while not putting pressure onto it. I feel it’s even harder when you do something that you love because you can forget that it can also be not good for your health if you don’t take enough rest.



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Are there any other healthy habits in addition to kencko that you have implemented in your routine?

I try to stay in movement every single day. It can be by walking, biking, doing yoga or any kind of movements that feed my current mood. 


I pray and meditate to feed my soul – this is non-negotiable for me! When I don’t pray I feel a lack of something. I can go through my day, check all of the items off my to-do list, but if I don’t pray, I will not feel fulfilled. I don’t meditate every day but every time I do, I ask myself why I don’t!


I try to add rest into my days. It can be by taking a nap, just watching the sky, drawing, painting. I will not say “doing nothing” because I really rarely get into that place but I still want to learn to go there.


I try to be conscious of what my body needs. If I want pickles in the morning, I just have them. If I want to have dessert first, I do that. This allows for a sense of freedom that I believe is very healthy. 


I set boundaries and choose myself first. I need to do this so I can be my best self for the world around me. So it’s way less selfish than it sounds!


I journal. It lets me create space to unwind, process, and let go of the day. I get so much information daily that if I don’t journal, I’m like a computer that has too many tabs open. It’s not sustainable for me. 


Last but not least, time is my friend. I try to stop running into time and treating it as the bad guy. That means managing my time properly and understanding what is really important instead of what the outside world wants from me. It’s never perfect, and it’s always  a challenge – probably my biggest one. But better to have time by your side, as a friend, than be against it. The more you take time for yourself, the more you have time.


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What advice would you give to someone looking to implement and stick to healthy goals in their life?

Go step by step. Baby steps are still steps! I just saw my daughter take her first steps. It’s so interesting to watch her progress. It’s been months since she started preparing to walk. For a baby, it’s a challenging journey, but she also knows how to enjoy it. 


Every step she takes seems to be a huge accomplishment (and actually it is!), and a pure joy. She is loving it. We just forget how cool it is to take steps, make little bits of progress. How cool is having a body that can move? We tend to only be conscious of that, sadly, when we are sick and in bed. So, let’s cherish everything as a baby who just took her first steps.


Lastly, I will say, do you! You can find so much information – and misinformation – everywhere these days but no one knows you better than yourself. If you want to stick to any healthy goals, stick to your intuition. If it doesn’t feel right but everyone is doing it, or is saying the contrary, listen to yourself. The more you listen the more you hear.


there's more good content where that came from

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